The Riverbank Wood

The Riverbank Wood develops near rivers, where the soil is gravelly and pebbly. It is composed of species adapted to resist the highly variable ecological conditions, which depend on the amount of water present in the river. Near the watercourse, there is an alternation of periods of drought and flooding.
The tree which is best able to withstand these conditions is the willow, followed, in more stable areas, by poplars, alder and ash. Aquatic amphibians, reptiles and invertebrates are typically found near the river, whilst in the woods themselves, various species of birds and mammals occur.

Siskin (Carduelis spinus)

A diurnal insectivorous bird, found especially in beech and alder woods.

Bumblebee (Bombus terrestris)

A diurnal social insect which usually makes its underground nest in abandoned burrows. The females leave their winter refuges in April and may easily be seen on the first willow flowers from which they obtain pollen to feed their larvae.

Ring Snake 
(Natrix natrix)

A diurnal aquatic reptile that lives in humid areas and at the edge of woodland. It eats fish and amphibians.

Water Shrew (Neomys fodiens)

An insectivore found near riverbanks rich in vegetation. It dives to prey on insect larvae and other invertebrates and is able to capture large animals such as fish and frogs thanks to its poisonous saliva.

Bull-Trout (Salmo trutta)

A fish which prefers flowing water, but also lives in well-oxygenated lakes. It eats insects and small fish.

Scazzone (Cottus gobio)

A fish usually found in clear, fast-moving, well-oxygenated water. It passes the day hidden amongst stones and vegetation, coming out at night to look for food. It eats riverbed invertebrates, insect larvae, fish eggs and fry.

Waterbeetle (Dytiscus marginalis)

A carabid water beetle which eats tadpoles, small fish and molluscs.

Dipper (Cinclus cinclus)

A diurnal aquatic bird that prefers to live near fast-moving streams. It nests in crevices where the bank is steep or under bridges and likes to eat aquatic vertebrates.

European Common Frog (Rana temporaria)

An amphibian common throughout Europe, mainly terrestrial, but which may be seen in water during the reproductive season. It eats mainly insects.
